European Countryside journal received the Web of Knowledge impact factor. The impact factor for 2023 is 1.2 (two-year) and 1.6 (five-year).
Due to rising costs, we are forced to increase the basic price for publishing to EUR 190 per paper. Discounts remain valid.
Starting with the number 1/2022, the design of the introductory page of individual articles has been changed.
Hashtags have been added to graphically highlight the main content of the contributions.
From issue 1/2021, Highlights will be presented at the beginning of each article to serve search engines and
to make it easier for readers to find their way around the article. Highlights are a short collection of bullet points
that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article.
These three to five bullet points (maximum 85 symbols each) describe the essence of the research
(e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.
Authors should place Highlights behind abstracts.
EUROPEN COUNTRYSIDE is indexed in Web of Science Core Collection since the very beginning (2009).
EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE is indexed in SCOPUS. Papers published in 2012 and later were included.
The Journal Impact Factor for 2023 is 1.2
The SCOPUS cite score for 2023 is 2.9
Together 461 papers have been published in European Countryside till this time. They have been quoted:
3,149 times in the Web of Knowledge (6.95 per paper), h-index 24
3,162 times in SCOPUS (7.79 per paper; it concerns 382 papers since 2012), h-index 25
6,882 times in Google Scholar (15.19 per paper), h-index 37
by December 27, 2024
Number 4 of the 16th volume of European Countryside was just released on:
It contains the following research papers:
Simo Sarkki, Alice Ludvig, Jasmiini Fransala, Mariana Melnykovych, Ivana Živojinović, Elisa Ravazzoli, Mohammed Bengoumi, Maria Nijnik, Cristina Dalla Torre, Elena Górriz-Mifsud, Arbia Labidi, Patricia Sfeir, Lucía López Marco, Diana Valero, Katy Joyce, Houda Chorti
Women-Led Social Innovation Initiatives Contribute to Gender Equality in Rural Areas: Grounded Theory on Five Initiatives From Three Continents
Maura Farrell, Simo Sarkki, Jasmiini Fransala, Aisling Murtagh, Louise Weir, Helene Ahl, Élise Lépy, Hannu I. Heikkinen
Empowering Women-Led Innovations: Key Players In Realising The Long-Term Vision For Rural Areas
Petra Raue, Lynn-Livia Fynn, Kim Pollermann
The Role of Women in Leader: Developments in Germany Over Time and Implications
Jana Kouřilová, Martin Pělucha, Aleksander Shemetev, Martina Kubíková
Perceptions of Digital Economy Opportunities in Diverse Rural Areas in Czechia by Rural Women Leaders
Anila Sulaj, Henrieta Themelko
Agritourism as A Pathway to Women's Empowerment: Insights From Rural Albania
Marija Drobnjaković, Milena Panić
Urban-Rural Differentiation in Serbia Beyond the Women’s Role in the Local Labor Force
Eugenio Cejudo García, María José Ríos Martín, María Inmaculada Cejudo Oría
Women and the Rural World. The Reasons Put Forward by Women As to Why the Population Continues to Fall in Many Parts of Andalusia (Spain)
Roman Lozynskyy, Andriy Zubyk, Halyna Labinska, Iryna Zakutynska
Educational Priorities of Girls From Rural Areas Entering Classical Universities in Big Cities: A Case Study of Ukraine